"Now therefore fear the LORD and serve him in sincerity and in in faithfulness" (Joshua 24:14a; ESV). And Proverbs 1:7 says, "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge."
As Christians it is easy, and sometimes too easy, to believe only about God what we find comfortable. It is true that he is a merciful, loving God who deeply cares about us and who is there when we need him to lift us up and encourage us. It is true that he is compassionate and kind and full of grace. But if that is all we are willing to accept about God, how then can we learn to fear him?
Isaiah 34 reminds me of that uncomfortable side of God; that side which is full of fury and wrath. I often forget that God can get angry. It's dangerous, I think, to forget that God can be as terrifying as scripture show us throughout the Old Testament, and even a little in the New Testament. When we stop fearing God, we risk bringing him down to our level. And when that happens, we risk forgetting that he even exists.
And yet I find it amazing that even in all his fury and all the judgement he has, or will, pour out on the nations of the world, he still shows some compassion on his creation, Isaiah 34:13-17.
God is a complex being. And we should worship ALL aspects of him, whether we like those characteristics or not, whether they make us feel safe or uncomfortable, whether we understand them or not. And we should make it our life's goal to know ALL of God, not just part of him.
Ecclesiastes sums it well, "Now all has been heard; here is the conclusion of the matter: Fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the whole duty of man" (12:13; NIV, higlight added).
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