Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Isaiah 26:7-10

As I read through Isaiah, I find myself forced to go slow. My natural tendency is to rush things, to speed up the longer it takes to accomplish something. Here in Isaiah 26, it is no different. I want to finish this chapter in two, maybe three blogs. I want to blog on verses 7-15. But there is content here that practically forces me to break it up into two sections. It is a rich passage. The verse that is ultimately forcing me to slow down is verse 15. I find it troubling primarily, because I am not quite sure what is means, yet I feel it means something big. But I will save it for next time. Instead I will focus on verses 7-10.

I could very easily comment on each of the verses here, and I am half tempted to revert back to my literary analysis days of college. I will refrain, however. There is so much here. My hope and prayer is that you read and meditate on this passage, allowing God to reveal to you what he wants you to learn. But for the sake of this blog, let us focus on verse 8:

"In the path of your judgments, O LORD, we wait for you; your name and
remembrance are the desire of our soul" (ESV).

With all the pain and evil, the death and destruction, in the world, how often to we lose sight of eternity? How often to we wait for God, especially in the path of his judgments? What does it mean to wait in the path of his judgments? The important lesson I see here, though, is simply to wait, for him, for his deliverance, salvation, what have you, no matter where we find ourselves, be it in his peaceful and loving arms or the path of his judgments or the road of trials and tribulations. The important thing is to wait.

And let us not forget part 2 of the verse: "your name and remembrance are the desire of our soul." No matter what happens in our lives, let us remember him and his works (Psalm 66:5). Let him and all he's done for us be the number on desire of our hearts, our lives. Let everything about him consume us. For "as the deer pants for flowing streams, so my soul pants for you, O God" Psalm 42:1, ESV).

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