Thursday, March 22, 2007

Isaiah 10:5-19

Sometimes I read the Bible and wonder why I serve and follow God. There are aspects about his character that I don’t particularly enjoy or find comforting. But to not read those passages or to pretend that not so pleasing side of God doesn’t exist, would be to remain in ignorance of God, his Word, and the world around us.

The main point I have gathered this morning is that we need to be careful about proclaiming personal success. Our success, whether you have a personal relationship with God or not, comes from him. And to claim all the glory for yourself is a very dangerous thing. Shall the axe boast over him who hews with it, or the saw magnify itself against him who wields it? As if a rod should wield him who lifts it, or as if a staff should lift him who is not wood!” (v.13, ESV). God gave the king of Assyria the power and ability to attack conquer the Israelites. God use the king to bring judgment on his people because they had turned their backs on him. Yet the king tried to take all the glory. So in verse 16, God protects his glory by bringing Assyria to her knees.

God is an awesome and powerful god who gives us success. We are nothing without him. Not only does God deserve respect, but he also deserves all the glory. In fact, the LORD of the Universe is the only one who deserves any glory. If there is anything I need to remember today, I think it is that.

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