Friday, May 4, 2007

Isaiah 23

Whenever we learn that some one is a prostitute, we look down them with scorn and contempt. Prostitution is viewed as a disgrace, and, to some people, the sin of all sins. And yet, here in Isaiah 23, God says about Tyre that she "will prostitute herself with all the kingdoms of the world on the face of the earth. Her merchandise will be holy to the LORD" (vv17b-18a, ESV).

There are many times, especially in the Old Testament, where punishes nations for disgracing themselves through prostitution. Prostitution is sinful. This has been made clear throughout scripture. But there are also instances where God has used prostitutes for his glory. Rahab is a prime example (Joshua 2). From the New Testament there are a couple interactions Christ had with a prostitute(John 4 & 8).

What I am gathering from this are a couple lessons. One, no sin is too great for God to forgive. He has compassion on all people, whether they be prostitutes, druggies, murderers, or morally good people. Second is that if God loves these people and is willing to forgive them, then I need to learn to do the same. Theres that old saying, love the sinner, hate the sin. That's what God does. Maybe I should start doing the same.

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