Monday, April 2, 2007

Isaiah 14:3-23

(Verse 4 makes clear who this passage is addressed to: "the king of Babylon." But if, like me, you're wondering who this king is specifically, maybe verse 12 can help. I hesitate to say that the king and the Day Star are the same because I simply do not know unless I do further study.) What caught my attention, though, was verse 12 and a few verses following.

Pride is a scary and dangerous thing. It is what led to Satan's downfall, and thus changed the course of history.

Verse 14 says, "I [Satan] will make myself like the Most High" (ESV). Notice what he said. It was the exact same thing he told Adam and Eve they could achieve and become (Genesis 3:5), and their sin changed the course of history for mankind. It was the exact same sin: Pride.

Pride is a dangerous thing. Be careful.

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